Culinary Quest #4: Comet CafĂ©’s Akimbo Burger

After looking up the Diner's, Drivin-in's, and Dives locations in Milwaukee a few weeks ago, I decided that I had to try out this crazy burger called the Akimbo Burger at the Comet Cafe on the East side of Milwaukee.
I had mentioned to a friend at work one day that I was going to try to go after work and he decided to come with me. So, immediately after work, I made the short drive over to that part of town and parked. I ended up finding that the place was only a few blocks from the guy's house.
When we entered the Comet Cafe, it had a laid back dim lighting thing going for it. We sat in a corner window booth and took a look over the menu. After a little deliberation, he decided to go with the open faced meatloaf sandwich, which was the next thing I wanted to try there and I went off menu for a little burger that I saw on the show called the Akimbo burger.
The waitress took our orders and put them in. When she came back for refills, so verified with me that it was $17 and wanted to make sure that I still wanted it. I did, so we chatted while waiting for the food to come out.
His meal looked pretty darn good and then my massive plate came.
The Akimbo burger is as follows from the bottom up. You start with a grilled cheese sandwich, followed by lettuce and tomato. After this, you get the burger patty, and cheese, and a fried egg. Next you have some BBQ sauce, bacon, onions, mushrooms, and jalepenos. Then there is a chipotle mayo, two giant onion rings and another grilled cheese sandwich. Then on top you have two cherry tomatoes and a pickle.
I thought about trying to smoosh the shit out of it to make it bitable, but this obviously wouldn't work, so I started from the top and began to work my way down. So, a couple of tomatoes and a pickle later I was into the actual sandwich. I ate the first grilled cheese, which was pretty crunchy and then took down the onion rings which were covered in BBQ sauce. At this point, I was finally getting to the burger. I cut through into large bites of BBQ, mayo, mushroom, onions, bacon, egg, cheese, and meat. This part of the burger was actually really good.
However, at this point I couldn't go any further. I had taken down the fries and didn't really want to try to push myself to finish it. I still had the lettuce, tomato, and bottom grilled cheese left to go.
It was a fun thing to try and tasted pretty darn good. I think this was a great little adventure, so I'm glad I did it. Next time, I will be trying the open faced meat loaf.