Friday, July 25, 2008

Interesting Web Articles: 7-25-08, #5

Iraq banned from Olympics

So, Iraq pulled the members of it's Olympic panel, but for whatever reason did not have the power needed to induct new members by the deadline needed forcing the Olympic committee to ban them due to government interferrance.

My question is how do you have the power to remove members, but not add new ones with the same power. I understand that this is a political issue between to hotly hated factions, which makes me even more worried for their future endevors.

How can a country that can't even name an Olympic group work together to run a nation? It looks more and more like when we start moving troups out, the country will just collapse onto itself and go back into war until one of these groups comes out on top. Hopefully the UN will step in before this happens and continue to help this process along. However, in the short run, they will not be able to compete in the Olympics, which will certainly lead to more arguements among those in charge.

This comes as a huge blow to those hoping to see Iraq come together as it did when Iraq defeated Saudi Arabia in the Asian Cup soccer tournament recently.

There is still a small chance that something could be worked out before the games to allow the Iraq Olympians into the games, but as they were aware of the situation and still did nothing to stop it, this seems highly unlikely.

[Listening to Feels Like the First Time - Foreigner, Come Together - The Beatles]

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